
Youtube empire season 2 episode 1
Youtube empire season 2 episode 1

youtube empire season 2 episode 1

A Crystal Pony tries to make a run for it, but she bumps into a towering crystal, where King Sombra appears and says, "My crystal slaves." The last few wisps of magic vanish from Cadance's horn and the barrier disintegrates. The camera pans to Applejack and Rarity nervously reassuring the Crystal Ponies from the castle balcony. Spike grabs it and jumps off the tower just as black crystals pierce the floor. Realizing she cannot deliver the Heart herself, she tells Spike that he must do it. Twilight tries to escape from the trap, but it teleports her back in. She knocks the Heart out of the prison just in time and it lands a short distance from Spike.Īn outside shot of the tower reveals it to be the center tower of the castle, the highest point of the building. He throws up a wall of black crystals around the perimeter of the disc, trapping Twilight. When Twilight steps onto the disc, it begins flashing like an alarm and alerts King Sombra. Twilight and Spike reach the top of the tower to see the resplendent, light blue Crystal Heart suspended above a wide circular disc. The citizens scatter, crying, "It's him!" As Applejack sheepishly realizes her mistake, Sombra's laughter echoes overhead. Rarity whispers to Applejack that she was going to say that the Crystal Heart was being polished to buy time. Rarity is about to say something, but is interrupted by Applejack, stating that the real Crystal Heart is on its way. The ball knocks over the flag covering the fake Crystal Heart, which clatters to the ground before the shocked ponies. Pinkie Pie is juggling flugelhorns on a bouncy ball but slips. Rarity and Applejack look up at the castle balcony, where Princess Cadance has collapsed in Shining Armor's forelegs. The ponies become aware that King Sombra has returned, and anxiously surround what they think is the Crystal Heart. As the sky darkens, Rarity frantically crafts traditional baskets and hands them to the Crystal Ponies, but runs out of materials. The Crystal Ponies see the fake Crystal Heart. Whooping with glee, Twilight explains that she had studied gravity spells for her test.

youtube empire season 2 episode 1

Twilight looks up and is inspired to perform an anti-gravity spell, allowing her and Spike to slide down the underside of the staircase. The camera cuts to Twilight and Spike wearily trekking up the staircase. Neither of them notice several buildings become tainted with Sombra's magic.

youtube empire season 2 episode 1

Dash exhorts her to continue, saying that the fate of an empire rests on showing the Crystal Ponies a good time. Fluttershy panics when they collide and is launched in the air. Pinkie Pie, seeing an ominous thunderclap, blows on her flugelhorn, signaling the two ponies to charge. At the Faire, Crystal Ponies cheer as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, dressed in armor, prepare to joust with blunted lances attached to their chests. King Sombra’s magic rapidly penetrates the kingdom, leaving two black trails. The scene changes to show Princess Cadance, whose magic is faltering as she struggles to keep it going. Like the dark staircase, this one seems to have no end. They see a light blue staircase snaking up the exterior of a tower. She reassures Spike that she will never send him away and uses her magic to open the real door. His eyes turn green and he cries, "Please, Twilight, don't leave me!" Twilight slams the door shut, telling him that King Sombra has bewitched the door to make it show their worst fears. She steps out of the way and lets Spike approach the door. The whites of Twilight's eyes, which have turned green, become normal as she snaps out of her vision. Spike catches up with her and asks her if she is all right.

youtube empire season 2 episode 1

The camera zooms out to show Twilight sitting in front of a wall. Celestia sternly tells Twilight that she has failed her test and is no longer her student. When Twilight crosses the threshold, she sees Princess Celestia in the Canterlot throne room. When Spike warns her that Cadance's magic is fading faster than ever, Twilight trips and tumbles down the staircase.Īt the bottom of the stairwell, Twilight replicates King Sombra's magic again to open a door. Twilight begins her descent down the long, dark staircase, telling Spike to keep an eye on the situation outside. Remembering how Princess Celestia replicated King Sombra's magic in the previous episode, Twilight does the same and the crystal's black light reveals a spiral staircase in the center of the room. In the throne room, she finds a large crystal at the crest of the throne's backrest. Twilight deduces that King Sombra hid the Crystal Heart in the castle, since nopony would be brave enough to set foot in there during his rule. By replicating King Sombra's magic, Twilight discovers a secret stairway.

Youtube empire season 2 episode 1